Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Day Full of Random Thoughts

Why did I have to see a snake today??? I do realize that I have to share the Earth with them but I am not willing to share my own personal space too. So, that snake that uninvitedly slithered past me in the driveway today, PLEASE don't ever do that again!
I never realized how much my boss looks and acts like Judge Judy. I don't mean it as a compliment or an insult, just simply stating a "huh" moment I had when I realized the similarity.
Sunnyvale, California? Do you like reading my blog? Either way, I see you visit me often and thank you for your time here.
Ah, 22 month olds! How can something cute be so tiring? Please learn to take a nap so I can garden again, maybe actually finish a cup of tea while it is still hot or even remotely warm, and some actual me time for personal about a long bath versus not even being able to remember if I brushed my teeth today, now we are talking! Please consider this and let me know as soon as you can talk.
And FINALLY....a new motto for myself as I am entertaining the notion of going to where I have not gone before: I would rather live a life full of "oh wells" than "what ifs."
Hopefully this final random thought won't be just a random thought!
Goodnight blogosphere.

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