Okay, so, where did we leave off? Oh yeah, we are exiting the 1970's! It's time to stand at the end of that driveway and wave goodbye to that sweet little girl with an orange popsicle and her dingy white roller skates. I'm sure we will visit her again someday, but, aren't you just dying to know what happened to her next? Well, if your answer is "no, not really," I will still tell you anyway.....
It is time for me to introduce you to the wonderful and wacky years of the 1980's! A whole ten years dedicated to developing my creativity and individualism. Now, don't get me wrong. There were some things I remember that were catchy about the 70's like, hhhmmm, let's see? Pop Rocks! That glorious and colorful carbonated candy that
literally exploded in your mouth! Now, that was down right exciting! However, I think I was just too young to appreciate the whole allure of pet rocks and polyester and everything else. So, first and foremost, let me just get this out of the way. I liked, wait, no, that's not right. Let's try this again... I adored the 80's! SERIOUSLY! Not one ounce of sarcasm in my voice! It was my decade of big hair and even bigger dreams.
Yes, the 8o's totally got my attention! Technology and entertainment really came alive for kids my age. Pac Man, Ghost Busters, E.T.! Oh, my head is spinning right now with all of the possibilities I can mention! Then, if that wasn't enough, along came the birth of MTV. There was not one single kid I knew that wasn't trying to dance like Michael Jackson in the Thriller video! I wanted my MTV, the cabbage patch doll, the fluorescent bracelets and fingerless lace gloves! Please buy me the acid washed jeans and those really cool shirts with the huge shoulder pads!! Permed hair drenched in Aqua Net? Bring it on! Now, I am in my element!! This blog could go on forever but this is supposed to ultimately be about my transformation to the soulful survivor I am now, right?
Okay, I will reel myself back in from the strong temptation to just talk about TV and fashion and focus in on something more relevant. I was finally beginning to pay attention to this strange thing I never noticed before. It was called, wait for it....NEWS! I started to take my first real glance at this paper that always landed in our yard every morning and I also realized that there were certain times of the day when there were shows dedicated soley to this thing called, "news."
For me, it wasn't immediately as interesting as being finally allowed to make phone calls, but, I admit it, discovering there was a bigger world than just what I saw every day was worth a second glance......
My own honest and somewhat witty recollection of my journey from a bright eyed girl who wholeheartedly believed in the american dream to a soulful survivor and stay at home mom still finding my way after a disparaging dose of economic reality.
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My Moral Compass
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