The beginning of August always seems to throw me back into school mode. Yesterday, I asked, then, made the boys try on their school uniforms from last year and it never ceases to amaze me how they grow up and out of garments that just fit them a couple of months ago. So, the hand me downs are handed out, the school shopping begins and the long carefree days become more structured as I must ease them back into bed times and routines. I admit it, I am over worked, over tired and overwhelmed by this time of year and as much as I loved everything we did this summer, I too, need some structure back and I am starting to count the days until the first day of school (16 to be exact!) I know, I know, then it's early mornings, homework, volunteering, soccer practice, soccer games, and a whole different set of chaos but I can squeeze in a little more time to myself to get the house back in order, plan another garden, start blogging again and just be me.
So, hello August. I know you mark the end of summer vacation but that's okay. I am ready for a change even if the kids aren't ; )
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