Wednesday, November 20, 2024

My Moral Compass

 I usually tread lightly these days when it comes to politics. I was raised in an era when I sat with my family around the television and we watched two intelligent and well-qualified opponents respectively debate their differences. People mainly voted to support their stances and handled the outcomes calmly and acceptingly. After all, the greater good of America was built on supporting and defending the constitution and a crucial part of that was respecting the election process and pledging allegiance to its chosen leader. 

When I was able to vote and I have continued to do so all these years, each time I cast my ballot, I feel less confident and more unsure of the direction this country is going in. My decisions have always been driven by educating myself on not only the issues but the candidates and using my moral compass to guide me to the best outcomes I can live with. 

This past election, I didn't question my moral compass but I did ask myself if I was the only one even using them anymore along with a lot of other questions I didn't think I would be asking myself......

Now this is the part that gets sticky with others. 

My main two questions I kept going over and over in my head were how does a man facing three criminal cases and a sentencing over a felony conviction even have the right to run for president? (and I am talking from a moral stand point not a legal one) and when did the price of groceries and securing the border take precedence over addressing school shootings/gun violence and women's reproductive rights?

Before being a republican or a catholic, I will always be a woman and a mother. I have had a miscarriage and a silent miscarriage that required a D&C procedure. I cannot imagine being in a situation where the laws on miscarriage are vague and depends on the state's new abortion laws that may deny care for those who are actively miscarrying. I also have stood paralyzed with fear in a distant parking lot near my son's school waiting for our students to get released in batches after a school threat that turned out to be false but seemed real enough to even fool the cops into barricading the school and sweeping each class with the SWAT team and their guns drawn before releasing our terrified teenagers. Furthermore, this same son was out with his friends one night when a gun was pulled out and used to shoot someone near them. Once again, paralyzed with fear on what the world has become as I rushed in my car to gather terrified teenagers away from the scene. 

It was disappointing to see gun violence not even addressed at the only debate given for this past election and for women's rights to be infiltrated by the government where it doesn't belong. 

So, I had confidently made my decision, going against my party, as I clearly knew my moral compass only led me in one direction. To me and my moral conscience, I was not wrong but had to face the unwanted result and the continuing disdain for how this country's chosen leader will harshly and vindictively chase his issues that are not the ones that concern me the most. However, I accept it respectively because I was raised that way. 

Recently, on Facebook I saw a post where a friend of mine expressed her concern about the elected president and how he does not align with their beliefs and what they want for their children so much so that they were considering moving to another country. One of her Facebook friends chimed in how it was such a poor lesson to uproot her children based on fear.  Her response was that her friend was one of the ones who voted to destroy her kid's future.  Then, another person followed with a personal attack on other parts of my friend's life and how she was not moving, just attention seeking. I bowed out of reading the comments at that point and I'm sure a lot of "unfriending" surely followed. This behavior is exactly why I tread lightly. 

The years of intelligent and respectful debating is over, and, that is, ultimately, the true issue as Americans that we should care the most about. Without respect and being able to see our differences from other perspectives, we are causing further division and extremism, not only in our society but our government and I am pretty sure that is not what our founding fathers wanted when they established our government and gave us our independence. I believe in this country and I will not be unfriending people for not supporting my beliefs and if anyone actually takes the time to reads this, I hope my post encourages you to do the same. Can we at least start there or I should I be dreading to see what the next election looks like after 4 more years of disrespect for each other?

My Moral Compass

 I usually tread lightly these days when it comes to politics. I was raised in an era when I sat with my family around the television and we...