Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Un-Resolving for 2023

Not gonna lie. 2022 was a mixed year of highs and lows. The highs were sky-high and the lows were very deeply low.  So, instead of setting myself up for, quite honestly, any more pressure that I really don't need right now, I've decided there will be no resolutions for me for 2023. 

However, in the lovely spirit of change that every fresh and new year brings, I have decided to graciously recognize it in a somewhat unconventional way. Instead of a Happy New Year, I am happily embracing what I learned in 2022 and carrying it forward with me (without resolution) into 2023:

1) Of course, appreciate the ones that have been there for you, but, DEEPLY appreciate those who still check in with you. 

2) That kindness that you show to others...ALWAYS make sure you show it to yourself. 

3) It is possible and completely okay to have fond memories of someone you DON'T miss. 

4) You have done enough for the ungrateful. Dedicate that precious time you waste on them to focus on YOURSELF. 

So, in the new year spirit,  I UNRESOLVE to continue to be deeply appreciative of those who have still remained with me, always show kindness to myself and keep realizing it's not only possible but okay to have fond memories without feeling bad for not missing someone, and most importantly, dedicate time to focus on myself in 2023. 

What do you graciously recognize for or unresolve to be in 2023?

image credit: New year clipart free clipart images - Clipartix

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


                  The poem, Breathe, by Becky Hemsley

She sat at the back and they said she was shy,

She led from the front and they hated her pride,
They asked her advice and then questioned her guidance,
They branded her loud, then were shocked by her silence,

When she shared no ambition they said it was sad,
So she told them her dreams and they said she was mad,
They told her they'd listen, then covered their ears,
And gave her a hug while they laughed at her fears,

And she listened to all of it thinking she should,
Be the girl they told her to be best as she could,
But one day she asked what was best for herself,
Instead of trying to please everyone else,

So she walked to the forest and stood with the trees,
She heard the wind whisper and dance with the leaves,
She spoke to the willow, the elm, and the pine,
And she told them what she'd been told time after time,

She told them she felt she was never enough,
She was either too little or far far too much,
Too loud or too quiet, too fierce or too weak,
Too wise or too foolish, too bold or too meek,

Then she found a small clearing surrounded by firs,
And she stopped...and she heard what the trees said to her,
And she sat there for hours not wanting to leave,
For the forest said nothing, it just let her breathe.

    I have recently found that one of the most important elements in self-healing is making a conscious choice to let go of any unhealthy relationships that have formed and weighed heavily on you and not allowing yourself to regress back to them. Of course, this sounds way easier to do than it actually is but it is so worth it and the rewards of doing it are immense. 

    Personally, I was never taught about or encouraged to have self-love, self-respect, and self-worth, and, more so, I never realized how critical it is to find and maintain inner peace. My upbringing was quite sheltered and with the enormous amounts of dysfunction that existed quite steadily my entire childhood, I was always told to hide the trauma or ignore it. In turn, I learned to suppress it and live around it instead of in it. 

     As I got older, I realized that everyone had a role and it was my part to be the one that took care of others. Luckily, it came naturally to me, but, there was no room for my needs or even my feelings, for that matter, when I was done taking care of the rest of them. The more I spoke, the less they listened. However, all along the way, I listened to them. I heard and felt every word. I heard, loud and clear, the constant nit-picking and criticism and I felt, always deeply, that no matter what I did it was never enough. I took, what I thought, was the easy way out and I became and remained the girl they wanted me to be as best as I could. I would pick and choose my battles wisely and be the glue that kept it all together all the while sacrificing bits and pieces of myself along the way. 

    It took longer than it should have to where I am now.....This place of not taking the easy way out anymore, and, instead, evaluating and redefining what is acceptable and what is not. So, why now? Well, quite frankly, it has happened because I let it go too far and allowed myself to get to a horrible point where it had to be done or there was literally going to be nothing left of me. So, here I am. Choosing the hard path to get to self-healing, facing it all head-on, committing to not looking back, only forward, and telling it all here to encourage others to do the same.

    Growing accustomed to toxic patterns in relationships is never a good thing. We know this, but, breaking out of an unhealthy cycle and the discipline it takes to not return to it is hard. The guilt, criticism, and hurtfulness slung at you when you start to advocate for yourself can be suffocating but I promise you can breathe through it and retain control of the progress you are making. Find your clearing, stay as long as you need to, turn off those people, embrace the silence, and just breathe. 

    Empowering myself is foreign to me so beginning this whole journey I am now on of self-awareness and the realization of how my sanity and serenity need to take priority asap, has been difficult. However, clearly explaining the problem, stepping back and out of the relationships for as long as I have needed to, and only opening new conversation that is based on my terms, has been AMAZING! For the first time in my life, I have healthy control over not giving in to the constant pull of enabling that bound me and the purpose of how I can serve others is no longer the whole basis of my relationships with toxic people anymore. 

    It doesn't matter what you have always been told. If age, experience, or common sense hasn't freed you by now, then, please learn to listen to yourself. Realize your worth, say your dreams out loud, and ask what is best for you? Find your forest, hear the wind whisper, listen to the trees, and dance with the leaves. It will tell you "You can do this! You are worth it! But first, just breathe!"

Fir forest Painting Credit:

Image link: Fir forest - Shishkin - oil painting reproduction - China Oil Painting Gallery

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Happy Almost Fall Y'All


"And then the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep, and Autumn was awaked." Raquel Franco

Oh! It's September! Now we're talking! A big hello to my gorgeous and golden month where I feel like I am  FINALLY getting somewhere! September 1st is my day people. The day when I let my mind start easing into the comforting thought that the relentless heat of Summer will be taking a much-needed break soon. I know, I know.....I live in Florida....too soon, but, it's a mind game with me.  I see the temperatures elsewhere beginning to drop, and I hear the advertisements for all things pumpkin-related beginning, and this sweaty girl starts to perk up. If a Pumpkin Latte and turning the A/C down in September to pretend it's cooler already makes me happy, then don't you dare judge me. Instead, just play along and sweetly say "Happy Almost Fall y'all"  and join me in a happy and healthy dose of some pumpkin-overloaded bliss and the wonderful notion that cooler weather is on its way.  

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Is there anyone home?

                          Hello? (Hello? Hello? Hello?) 

                          Is there anybody in there? 
                          Just nod if you can hear me 
                          Is there anyone home?

   The blogosphere can be a crowded and, yet, lonely place at times. There are tons of blogs on every topic imaginable but you have to venture outside of your own blog and look around to find them. 

   When I first started blogging 13 years ago, I was automatically drawn to the creativity and freedom to share anything and everything I wanted to. It never really occurred to me that anyone would actually read any of it until someone would pop up on my blog and leave a comment. It fascinated me that not only was I laying down my thoughts but so many others were too and they wanted to talk to me about it. Soon, I started interacting on a regular basis with many other bloggers and it was nice having such constructive conversations with them. 

    However, as the years have gone by, that interaction I had with other bloggers doesn’t happen much anymore. We all shared a passion for writing and there was something always refreshing about connecting with each other’s thoughts, but, the blogs I followed started slowing down until they drifted off completely. 

   While I have continued to write, I do feel that inner longing for interaction and sometimes miss the excitement of seeing a comment posted on one of my entries. 

   I know the blogosphere is still a crowded place with new and fresh bloggers out there. So, it may be time to reach out and connect with a different group but I still hope to see some of the old ones resurface. 

   It leaves me wanting to sing the beginning of Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd as I click on blogs I used to follow and see they still haven’t posted anything in years. “Hello? (Hello? Hello? Hello?) Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone home?…” 

Maybe one day I’ll get a nod. If not, I hope they are still finding creative outlets. Meanwhile, I am happy that the blogosphere is still mine, even if it feels a little more lonely than crowded at times. 


Friday, March 25, 2022

And Another One Bites the Dust

    Like it or not, Florida is drastically changing. Any given morning, when you are sitting on your porch trying to listen to the birds and enjoy your coffee, the overbearing sound of bulldozers crushing mid-century houses to heaps of rubble around you will surely drown the morning bliss you were trying to achieve. Instead, you will hear the booming, beeping, crashing, and thudding that replace the chirping, singing, pecking, and squawking you came outside for. 

    Some will say throwback to 1956 when these Florida homes were built on the same land where orange groves used to stand. Did people get upset about our beloved oranges being destroyed so others could live out their dream of being in beautiful, hot, and sunny Florida all year round? 

    Fast forward to now, where it is not so much about fulfilling a dream of living in a tropical paradise as it is more about an escape to live here for its lower taxes, retirement benefits, and no Covid restrictions. 

    Every day, they come from other states in droves hoping to scoop up one of these little mid-century homes to knock down and build over so they can squeeze themselves into their great escape in their brand new mini-mansions.

    Meanwhile, we little folks who actually live in these undesirable homes placed on their valuable properties, still want to listen to birds and enjoy coffee without having to look at their out-of-town plates slowing driving by and staring at us like hungry vultures. 

    As I sit here this morning painfully listening to another one bite the dust, it makes me sad knowing that another oversized and ugly square box will be squeezed onto yet another lot while that Florida dream that built the now erased mid century home is also being crushed along with it. 

My Moral Compass

 I usually tread lightly these days when it comes to politics. I was raised in an era when I sat with my family around the television and we...